Pho Viet Kieu
Pho in the middle of the An Thuong Village. Authentic and Delicious.
The first time when we discovered Pho Viet kieu we had right away a sympathic feeling for the great team involved in Pho Viet Kieu. Right in the middle of the An Thuong village Pho Viet Kieu is not your ordinary noodle restaurant around the corner. Pho Viet Kieu is about passion, traditionally prepared Pho and intimate atmosphere that makes you want to come back.
The lovely owner Ms. Hong, has quite a story before she went back to Danang from where she is originated.
At the age of 19 she went to Singapore in 1977 from where she went to France, Paris, to Las Vegas in the United States, to settle down in Sydney, Australia.
In both Paris as in Sydney, Ms. Hong openend a Pho Viet Kieu Noodle restaurant and became locally famous for her delicious traditional Vietnamese Pho.
Now in Danang Pho Viet Kieu serves her tasty pho and other dishes like Com bo xoa, Bun thit nuong and home made spring rolls, all very tasty and a must try when you are in the neighbourhood.
For all their customers Pho viet Kieu offers an incentive loyalty stamp card with 12 meals, 1 meal for free.